There´s only one month left until the most important fashion week starts in Madrid and a tragedy has occured, one of the most important designers in Spain died on Saturday after a whole life dedicated to women, who he transformed in a sign of elegancy and feminity.
Jesús del Pozo started his career in 1974 with a small store in the street Almirante of Madrid, where men clothing was his delicattesen. Only four years after he decided to dedicate his whole life to women´s world, not oly creating cloths for the catwalks, but he also included in his long list of projects varios fragances.
The entrepreneur and designer Jesús del Pozo died suddenly this Saturday in Madrid, when he was 64 years old.
In his more than thirty years of dedication to fashion, Jesús del Pozo was congratulated with the "Medalla de Oro al Mérito de las Bellas Artes", the National Award Cristóbal Balenciga, the Gold Needle and the 'T' of Telva (spanish magazine) to the best national designer, he also dressed women as important as the Infanta Cristina, Esperanza Aguirre, Ángeles González-Sinde and his muse for excellence, Ana Belén.

(That´s him)

Good bye Jesus